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Learn all about SleepTank


The SleepTank algorithm is a fuel gauge for the brain.  It builds on the SAFTE model to track and predict mental speed and effectiveness using off-the-shelf wearables.

Built for Alertness & Effectiveness


Based on the SAFTE model – a thoroughly validated model of fatigue and alertness.


Individualized to the user’s own sleep need, so effectiveness predictions are specific to the person and situation.


Evaluates accumulated sleep history (or sleep loss) to project future cognitive capacity over the next 24-hour timeline.

Actionable Guidance

When sleep is insufficient to support brain function for an upcoming job, it provides actionable guidance to recover.

Proven Effective

Using behavioral principles, effectively increases the quality and quantity of sleep behavior to optimize brain function.

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Our App provides actionable intel on your sleep scoring. With an intuitive interface your score  gives you the most important stats at your fingertips. Make better informed decisions to give you the chance to have a full Sleep Tank.


Actionable outcomes include:

Adjust bedtime for more sleep

Plan a nap  to boost performance


Nap Planner

Keep yourself rested and alert with our Nap Planner feature, you'll get notifications and the ability to track your sleep needs related to the ideal nap schedule to keep your alertness levels at its peak.


Get the complete picture, with our history view you will be able to see a more integrated and actionable view of your SleepTank, learn more about how your sleep is performing, monitor the averages and learn to optimize sleep patterns to increase alertness.


Take your wearable to the next level with our customized clock faces. The alerts and data are at your fingertips to provide you the actionable data to help you make the right decisions on sleep, naps and related data points.

Indicates status of SleepTank progress:

Percentage full

Hours left until tank is empty

Color coded status (green, yellow, orange, red)

Value added steps & heart rate info- Provides

Actionable alerts

Provides Proactive recommendations


Our integrated dashboards provide an aggregated view of the data to help inform how sleep impacts alertness and performance at the group level.


Aggregated Views Include:

Group level data

Allows for aggregated stats

Provides reports & insights

Drill down to user level data

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